Write up of the editing and creating of our final piece.
We played around with this idea for a while, until we managed to cut the clip in such a way that the clip was cut perfectly in time to the sound of a heart beat. after we had all of our clips in the right order we then cut them down to size and shuffled them all next to eachother, we created a fast cut rate at the beginning since a few of our shots were quite long so we cut them down, also to create a faster cutting rate we added titles, the font we used was similar to the one from se7en, we cut these in time to the sounds of days and the boot closing to make it look more smoth and professional. after all of this was done we just had two seperate chase scenes and a car scene, to increase enigma, suspense and to give the clip more meaning we merged the car scene with the first chase scene, this increased the cutting rate even more to create tention during a chase scene, we hoped this would show creativity during editing. however our film on its own was only about one minute thirty seconds, at this point we added the titles and a montage, to show we could do montage and continuity editing to show we have a wider range of skills. we created a montage connoting death and implying that it had been in a woods, we added a sound to it which was in tone with the insanely fast paced montage, however the montage didnt look to good in alot of coulour so we toned the colour down and added a "old silent movie" effect which gave it a effect that it has happened before. we also made the clips more "blue" getting rid of some of the colour so that it looks more ominous, and since we shot on quite a sunny day it wasnt as in tone with the genre as we would of liked, so that was the main reason for tuning the colour down and increasing the contrast.
after this was done and all of the shots were cut correctly and in placewe decided to play around with the sound and editing, we decided to tackle the editing first, we tried to have our titles filcker to some extent but it looked very amature so we just left the titles since they looked ok just on their own anyway. then we added an effect to my face as there was a close up of my eyes to make it seem almost like i was in a daze or day dreaming. we then added fades in to when it cuts back to a POV shot of the killer looking down at eddy showing that i was remembering it again. then this lead to our second chase scene, we added a sound of a hit and a white flash to add emphasis to the hit. Then we created our "Duskwood" title which originally just was a still image, however it then zooms in in it and a sound effect adding emphasis was entered. then it cut to the beginning of the film. where at the and the clip fades to black. those were the effects that we added. we then played around with sound, we wanted something semi fast paced and to finish with something more fast paced for the chase scene on its own. we wanted to use the se7enopening scene music however we werent sure if it was coppy right free or not. after some research we found out that the first 45 seconds was coppyright free, however after that it starts to merge with a song from "nine inch nails" which was copyrighted so we couldnt use that. so we just repeated the first part. we then put that through the hole film and cut it and faded it out when need be, we were then advised to add some fast paced music, so we looked on the D drive and the first piece we listened to fitted the chase scene well so we imported it and placed it in the right part. we then added way points in the sound to make it more pronounced in places that it needed to be. then we went through and sorted out all the little bits that didnt look quite right.