Tuesday 2 February 2010

Detailed Analysis - Dog Soldiers

This film is an action horror.
The generic expectations from a horror are fulfilled in the opening sequence with the following components; some sort of sexual romance, a scary event and blood. All these are connected with the typical horror film. Conforming to the characteristics one would expect from a movie of this genre.

Film Language
In the sequence, mise en scene is typical and unimaginative for a film of this genre. It is the classic night time, moon lit woods that one would expect and instantly relate to horror.
The camera shots in this sequence are mainly close ups to show the reaction of fear on the characters faces. This shows more of a psychological horror vibe and is good way of keeping the audience scared.
There is no music involved in this sequence and only simple digetic sounds which, I feel, gives the sequence a raw and eerie feel therefore adding to the enigma.
We only see 2 characters and by them kissing and performing sexual fornications we get the idea they are a couple. They also talk as though they are and this adds to the horror when one of them is killed in front of the other.

The narrative is a simple linear sequence of events.
Through camera work we are positioned with the couple, the man and the woman.
We are instantly introduced to the two people and they are identified to us as soon as the movie starts. The thing that attacks them is alienated by never being seen and all the action being off camera when it is involved.
Tension is created by all the action within the murdering and attacking, happening off camera.

Representation and Ideology
A white English couple are represented as quite free spirited by camping and fornicating in the woods.
There are ideologies of people who don’t conform to society and you can see this by them being adults with piercing and hippy type clothing on.

Media Audiences

Target audience is elder teenagers and young adults
As a British teenager I feel I can relate to the sequence more than someone from another country might. Because this is a British film and all the cast is as well so I feel I can relate. It also puts me in the situation and creates the enigma that it may happen to me and for some reason doesn’t seem so farfetched.

Institutional Context
There is no main, well known star but people one would recognize from other films. It would be important to have a bankable star because it would then encourage more people to go and see it.


  1. Eddie, you deal with all the required sections, but in no real detail. Production / distribution company? Use of camera, sound, mise-en-scene? You need much more specific details. Also, find some relevant screen shots to illustrate your points and highlight key terminology

  2. I suppose it may be fairly brief however i think the points made are extremely relevent and useful ideas are presented in relation to our final shoot.
