Tuesday 23 February 2010

Evaluation of presentation. OH

Evaluation of presentation

overall i believe that our presentation was very successful. however there is room for improvement in our ideas of how much information there will be in our opening sequence, whether we can fit all of our ideas that we have come up with and drawn inspiration from other films from will fit into the allocated two minute period that we have to shoot our film.
The presentation was very well presented, clear voices and lots of opinions and original ideas were portrayed throughout. eddy with the most views and ideas since he was the one who went on the location reckie he was able to conjure ideas of shots and create original visions in his mind of how he views that our coursework will look.
The survey research was very positive, with the majority of people, over 60% wanting a film with people in their own age group, possibly so they can emerse themselves into the experience more since it becomes more realistic to their lifestyle. also the most popular location was in the woods, i believe this was because it connotes remoteness, no help for possibly miles, just you and the murderer.
Also i thought that the locations were eye opening for the class to see, so they could see that where the camp site was it was quite an open landscape, with lots of room for filming, and also the surreal sense that someone could be watching you quite easily, without you being able to see them. Eddy's idea of using the silo-et shot from "rock and rola" was a very good idea and will hopefully be one point that will rack up lots of marks for the techniques and use of lighting and editing.
The costumes and characters which we are using are stereotypical of our specific genre and follow the conventions that you would expect in a teen horror thriller.With this, we will be able to portray some information about the teens and their lifestyle without having to explain it through dialogue which may look unprofessional.
In conclusion, I believe that our ideas are very sound, costumes, location and ideas are all conventions of the genre and have very promising possibilities, and with our creative teamwork, which was evident in our preliminary task we will be able to make an extremely technical and clever two minute opening. however time management of what we wish to put into our two minute opening will need to be sorted out and we need to decide and focus more on whether or not our ideas fall more into a film after twenty odd minutes or a opening sequence.


  1. Since our presentation we have taken on board the suggestions made by Ms Fernandez and decided to cut down our opening sequence to a substantual sequence. instead of having; a montage car ride, a setting up the tents scene and then the murder, which would be hard to fit all this in and make it look good. we have now decided to have the montage car ride in which we establish each charatcer but have some sort of negative enigma around ollies charatcer. then have a flashback, transtioned to by a white flash, in which it shows eddy running away from someone. this will be a good way to beef up our whole sequence and will start the film off with an exciting bang. this is another good choice because it is what our audience researched showed. the audience wants a quick starting film in which there is tension and excitement. we will finish the sequence with our original idea of the attack on eddy down the long wooded tunnel. we all agree these changes will make our clip better and more managable.

  2. I agree with the overall evaluation of the pitch in the sense that it was presented clearly, articulately and that all three of us came across as opinionated and passionate relating to our initial ideas. There are however, clearly a number of things we need to change and adapt before our final shoot. The main idea we have changed was due to the fact of time management and that we appeared to have too much planned for a short clip. The killing we had first planned has now been adapted and modified, intertwining with a flash back, setting the opening with an impact and involving a fast cutting rate chase scene to establish enigma and build tension. This is both easonable in terms of the storyline and more importantly the time management that at first seemed a problem. The costumes and characters will remain, with a slight change to Edds role. The montage editing for the first minute has also been developed to create a better effect and establish the scene in more detail in terms of setting, characters and plot.
