Monday 26 April 2010

Evaluation Task 2 Audience research OH

Task 2 Audience research questions.

1) Did you like the film opening, if not why?
2) Did u think the film conformed to the conventions of a thriller horror film?
3) Could you relate to the characters, since they were your own age?
4) Did you like where the film was set?
5) What was your favourite part of the short film?
6) What would you improve if you had the choice?

We are going to ask atleast five people these questions shortly after watching our film opening, hopefully we will get a good amount of market research. We will also answer the question after with a voice over beforethe filming to state who our target audience is, stating our demographics and so on…

1 comment:

  1. The audience research went down very well and we felt the questions we planned and asked were extremely benefitial in getting usueful feedback. Not only did we get chance to ask what they liked about the film we also left room for the audience to explain what the felt needed improving and give contructive critisism which was again very useful.
