Sunday 24 January 2010

The Ring - shot by shot technical analysis (opening 2 minutes)

Establishing shot of house - zooms in slowly with strong use of pathetic fallacy (pouring rain, amplified) connoting an eerie setting and a tense situation

Digetic sound- voice over, two girls talking

Motivated cut to the two girls sitting alone in a room – dull/dark setting

Camera zooms in, allows attention to dialogue – conversation between the two girls represents naivety and ignorance and highlights stupidity and therefore possible level of vulnerability

Cuts to over the shoulder shot during mid conversation

Cuts back to two shot, again attention to dialogue – “video tape that kills you when you watch it” – quote creates immediate level of apprehension and the words “kills you” suggests the seriousness of the situation that may be about to occur

Cuts back to over the shoulder shot, camera slowly zooms in – enhances tension

Continuous digetic sound – “you will die in seven days”, sense of death creates dramatic effect and adds to daunting atmosphere

Reaction shot- shows girl to be horrified and shocked highlighting the dramatic situation, adding to suspense

Cuts back to a point of view shot, immediately into a CU of the girls face directly in time with dialogue – “I’ve watched it” This grabs the audience attention, due to the conversation suggestion as she’s watched the tape seven days ago, she will now die – implies a dramatic sequence of events is about to unfold

In conclusion, i think that the opening two minutes of 'The Ring' has used the aboved techniques to create dramatic tension and establish enigma through the use of camera work and editing techniques. The mis-en-scene and sound had also contributed to the overal genre of the film and creates an imersive experince for the audience.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, a promising attempt. I would like to see a more detailed evaluation of results.
