Sunday 24 January 2010

OH- saw 5 technical analysis.

Saw 5 Technical analyses.

Twisted pictures is introduced, showing the distribution company logo
Text is revealed in a reddy golden colour in the centre of the screen, an effect is added to look like a torch is being shone over it from left to right.
As the black background fades, it reveals a dully written wall dripping with blood, adding fear and gore to the sequence.
It repeats this process several times, to introduce the main companies and people involved with the film.
The sound used ads fear because it almost sounds like a knife is being sharpened.
The credits stop and cut to a dully lit room with what appears to be a head lit but very slightly.
A flash of lightning gives a glimpse of a man locked down in chains, adding enigma.
A cut back to the titles again, showing that the last scene was a tease, used 2 keep the audience interested.
Cut to a (CU) birds eye view shot of the mans face, his face is dully lit but there is enough light to let us see that his neck is tied down by thick metal.
The room is then lit and a cut to a (MS) pan from the mans left hand side. Revealing that his hands and legs are also tied down.
His flailing limbs show how scared he is.
Cut to a (MCU) of his body, a (POV) shot looking down on himself.
Cut to his left ankle showing it is tied down
Then a cut to his right ankle revealing the same thing.
Cut to a (CU) of the mans face showing his body language as terrified, a pull back and a twist is added to the shot. Connoting insanity. As if the man who put him there is insane.
The fast cutting rate adds suspicion, since you get the overall view of what’s going on but never enough time before another cut to examine the set properly and pick out details of his situation.
Cut to a (LS) establishing shot of the set, the man is placed in the top right corner of the cross section from the rule of thirds, drawing attention to him. Also it reveals that he is in what appears to be a warehouse type of building.
Cut to a (MCU) of his torso and face revealing he has lots of tattoos, could imply he doesn’t conform to society and possibly rebellious.
Cut to a (CU) of his head from behind him, still showing his struggle.
A flashing blue screen reveals itself in the top left hand corner of the screen from a rotation shot.
The TV comes into focus and reveals a scary looking puppet, as the shot comes into focus it cuts to a (CU) shot of the TV, adding fear from a sudden close up of the disturbing puppet.
A fast cut after this to a (CU) of the mans face again to show the horror on his face and using non verbal language to connote fear and terror.
Shot reaction shot is used between the man and the doll frequently after this, as if you would with a conversation between people. But with a puppet.
A cut to the TV again, a (CU) shot of the doll slowly turning to look towards him. Further adding terror since it looks at one point as if it is almost addressing the audience.

The doll looks as if it is talking to the man, we can presume that it is a murderer which has used the puppet to address the man, so he can scare/freak out his victim even more and not reveal his own identity. The puppet addresses the man as “Seth”.
A cut back to the man (CU) shot and a voice over is used, of the puppet saying “I want to play a game”, this psychotic behaviour, as if he thinks it is fun to torture people and put them in life threatening situations. This lets us know the murderer is very disturbed.
Cut to a (MS) of the man, showing his body and the TV above him. A low angle shot puts the puppet in a position of dominants and the man a very vulnerable position.
Cut to the man screaming for help a (MS) of his face and body.
Diagetic sound is used from the puppet, its voice has been changed to sound threatening, “right now your feeling helpless, the same helplessness you bestowed onto others” showing the man has done something wrong as well, maybe this is a revenge plot.
“Now it’s up to you” shows that his fate is in his own hands.
Cuts on action, shot reaction shot and a fast cutting rate are still being used to create suspense and build tension.
“Life sentence for murder” shows that the man has murdered someone and maybe deserves to be punished.
“Technicality gave you freedom” shows he hasn’t been punished, or not as much as the murderer thinks he deserves.
Shot reaction shot is used frequently to at the same angles to keep continuity.
“But it inhibits you from understanding the act of taking a life” shows the murderer is almost putting him on trial for the crime he has committed.
A zoom is used on the puppet, showing the detail of it, showing how scary it is and adds emphasis to the puppets scary voice.
“In thirty seconds the pendulum will drop” as this is said, a cut to a (MS) low angle shot of a very large blade on a large metal pole.
“Within sixty seconds, it will cut you in half” shows the seriousness of the situation and adds suspense to whether he will do it or not.


The scene creates massive amounts of tension, i think that it has achieved this best by the use of lighting and low camera angles. there are few representations of ideology except that people who have tattoos are more rebelious and more likely to commit crimes, which would land them in jigsaws game since he preys on people who have commited crimes but have not been punished enough, or have somehow got off free.


  1. Whose is this? excellent technical breakdown but no evaluation of results?

  2. its olis and i have added an evaluation.
